Budget/Finances · Favorites

My Favorite Finance Blogs

I had been following blogs for a few years before I decided to take the leap myself and start blogging. I’ve read so many blog posts. Probably more than someone should read.

I have posts saved on my phone home screen. I even have them organized in folders.

I think I might have a problem.

But seriously, there are so many awesome bloggers out there that I have grown to know and love.

These bloggers are definitely worth checking out. I don’t have them listed in any particular order, but you should definitely check them all out!

I originally thought I would just put all my favorite bloggers in one post, but that wouldn’t do them each the justice they deserve.

The finance blogs listed in this post involve money saving tips, personal finance advice, and debt help. If you are looking for help or some good old-fashioned tips, these blogs have them both in abundance.




So here is the list of my very favorite money saving finance blogs.


The Busy Budgeter

Rosemarie is the budgeter I strive to be. She is welcoming and real. She’s a wife, mom, blogger and budget guru. And she is the lover of all brownies!

I think I met my new best friend.

She has a great selection of blog posts. Her topics encompass 15 minute meals, budgeting, and  couponing. Every single one of these topics makes her a go-to budget blogger in my book.

Every time I read The Busy Budgeter, I feel like I’m talking to a friend. She makes things simple and super easy to understand.

Rosemarie will be the first one to say that she is nothing special. She simply want to help people who weren’t raised aware of finances and budgeting.

Any raised hands out there? My hand is up!

She has a wide array of topics you can check out.

All around, Rosemarie is the blogger I strive to be. She is down-to-earth and real in a best friend kind of way.

Making Sense of Cents

Michelle is a fantastic financial blogger. She was able to pay off all her student debt in just 7 months and shares her success with all her readers.

She has a monthly readership of over 300,000 people. She is obviously worth reading! She has two undergraduate degrees and her Masters in Finance.

Michelle now spends her time traveling while blogging. She is living intentionally and is able to help people save money. She offers easy tasks which help you start small.

If you are a blogger hoping to replace your income one day, Michelle shares her montly income reports to show others that it is possible. She made more than $112,500 in July 2016.

You can check out each of her topics below.

Michelle has more knowledge about finances and money than most people. She strives to help people take control of their finances in a practical and intentional way.


Our Freaking Budget

Joanna and Johnny believe that if they can budget and save money, anyone can. They are inspirational and always engaging.

They have a  huge list of topics that they file under their “Dewey Decimal System”.

They share their debt story from the very beginning. Like them, my husband and I both brought debt into our marriage. It is less than $10,000, but it is still debt.

But if they can do it, so can we.

You can check out their most popular posts here.

After checking out their website a few months back, I’ve found that Our Freaking Budget is a great spot for me and Chris. We are normal-ish people looking to get out finances together.


Money Saving Mom

When I think about living intentionally, I think about the Money Saving Mom.

Crystal Paine is a wonderful Godfearing mama who offers easy, inexpensive meals and deals beyond your wildest imagination. She’s real and practical in her writing.
She posts several times a day so you are bound to find something useful everyday.

You can check out her array of topics here.

Money Saving Mom is a great place to start if you are looking for ways to save on your grocery bill. They always have great deals beyond groceries though. They also have Freebies and Giveaways.


What are your favorite finance or money saving blogs? You can list them in the comments below or shoot me an email via my Contact page.


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